Saturday, December 22, 2007


I played DOTA, and I really like it and enjoy it, I'm just that big of an RPG person. I like the characters and i am really a fan of DOTA game.. tO pLay DOTA is nOt that hard.. eU jUst prOtect and bUy things fOr eUr herO aNd attack their base oOr the hEro.. thEre are twO tEams oOf the game, the sentineLs and the scOurge.. 1 thing that i sUggest eU gUys is NOT TO BE GREEDY and KNOW YOUR BOUNDERIES IN PLAYING THIS GAME.. sOme r caLLed "NOOB" becaUse they r nOt using thEir cOmmOn sense tO read the instrUctions oOf hOw tO create eUr things.. bUt iM oOpen tO aLL whO LIKE tO pLay this game.. i'LL teach eU watevEr i knOw tO becOme "MAMAW".. :D thats oOL tNx fOr rEading.. :D

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