Sunday, December 23, 2007

hOw tO kEep yOur crUsh a secret..

Everyone has had that "butterflies in the tummy" feeling before. There is that certain special someone whose smile makes your heart melt. This guide can help you keep your crush a secret from the world - so only you get your special feeling.

these are the stEps how to keep your crush a secret..

1. Do not stare. Staring at him/her won't do anything. They or someone else could catch you in the act. If possible, stop your habit of staring at them. Or, just make sure no one (including them!) is watching, and just quickly side-glance at them.

2. Avoid telling anyone that you have a crush on this person. Especially someone with a reputation for being a gossip/big mouth and untrustworthy. If you don't feel one hundred percent sure someone won't use it against you, don't tell. You never know when you will fight with someone. They might use blackmail. You don't want it.

3. Treat your crush exactly the same way as you treat all your acquaintances. Be polite, but not overly attentive. If you tag along with them too much, they'll be annoyed or someone else will find out that you like him/her! But then again, you don't want to be too shy around them, either. They might consider you weird or be suspicious.

4. Be yourself. If your special someone ends up liking you, you want them to fall for who you really are, not someone you pretended to be.

5. Keeping a diary might be a good way to tell someone you've got a crush on someone, without letting anyone know. (Except if someone reads it.) If you are embarrassed about your crush, this can be a good way of looking at it objectively.

here are some tips for you!!

-If you catch your crush looking at you, there is a good chance you have a mutual attraction. Loosen up a bit, and make more eye contact.

-Smile in a warm, friendly way, but don't speak of your feelings until you feel ready.

-Take your time - a secret crush is fun.


Don't get too intense when she or he is around. Other people may figure out your crush and reveal it to them.

If they ask you if you have a crush on them, never deny it. Just try to change the subject, or if you're feeling risky, bounce the question right back at them and see how they react. There's a chance that they may be asking you because they feel the same way.

Don't stalk him or her. Following your crush around too much is just creepy and will kill any blooming feelings they might have for you.

Avoid stuff like doodling their name on papers; that's a dead giveaway. If you write about your crush in your diary or journal, make sure you keep it somewhere very safe. Never bring your journal to school! There's a very good chance someone will steal it.



Saturday, December 22, 2007


I played DOTA, and I really like it and enjoy it, I'm just that big of an RPG person. I like the characters and i am really a fan of DOTA game.. tO pLay DOTA is nOt that hard.. eU jUst prOtect and bUy things fOr eUr herO aNd attack their base oOr the hEro.. thEre are twO tEams oOf the game, the sentineLs and the scOurge.. 1 thing that i sUggest eU gUys is NOT TO BE GREEDY and KNOW YOUR BOUNDERIES IN PLAYING THIS GAME.. sOme r caLLed "NOOB" becaUse they r nOt using thEir cOmmOn sense tO read the instrUctions oOf hOw tO create eUr things.. bUt iM oOpen tO aLL whO LIKE tO pLay this game.. i'LL teach eU watevEr i knOw tO becOme "MAMAW".. :D thats oOL tNx fOr rEading.. :D

Friday, December 14, 2007

Saturday, December 8, 2007


enjOy my pic.. ahaha.. baka matatagaLan nnman akOng magUpdate dtO.. dame kC akOng inUopen na mga accOunts kOh.. hai..

make kweNtUhan w/ jah.. :D

this videO is fOr oOL oOp eU gUys na gUstO makipagkwentOhan w/ this gUrL nd make bOnding w/ us MUSHROOMS.. :D

gOodbye dOnnie..

Tonight's 5th eviction night was definitely a shocker with Kuya revealing one surprise after another. Celebrity house guest Mariel Rodriguez will be continuing her stay inside the house while Baron's big bro Donnie bowed out and ended his. Two celebs are also contemplating their statuses in this edition. Gaby wants to exit and Ethel wants to go back. So Kuya are they in or out?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

oOwkae.. :D

aUsin kO nLng nxt tyM gUys i dOnt have time na eh.. GTG!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

high schOoL Life tLga..

xEnxa kUng indi cLear kUha Lng kC sa CP ean.. BY NEJ..


march with us.. :D

pati itO!! kUha Lng sa ceLLphOne kaya ganyan.. ^^ hOpe eU understand.. ahaha..

hai.. i miss eU gUys reaLLy.. mga trips natin.. tsk tsk..
peOpLe nEver kn0w h0w spEciaL s0me0ne is untiL thEy Leave, bUt mAybE s0metimEs its imp0rtaNt t0 LeavE, s0 thEy arE givEn thAt chancE t0 sEe h0w speciaL thAt s0meonE rEaLLy is!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


abee?? ahaha.. hEre's oOr scandaL at oOur schOoL.. befOre gradUatiOn.. :D
iM w/ abEe and i gOt this scandaL tO LESTER PASTOR.. Nd sO sad that we have tO Leave oOur aLma matter.. i wanna gO back at oOur high schOoL Life.. i miss being a high schOoL stUdent.. hEre's oOr kababaLaghan whEn we are in high schOoL.. :D

aNg BG kOh na ndi kOh maLagai Lagai sa prOfiLe kO.. sO sad..

panU kOh iLaLagai sa BLOG kO tOng pic na tO? hai..

Saturday, December 1, 2007

my aLL timE drEam cELLphOne..

See other images at Apple.

waahh.. whEn wiLL i bE haviNg this kiNd oOf cELLphOne?? iN eUr dreams RB..

sOrry victOr eUr the 4th evictee..

happy yEt sAd. marieL Nd victOr dEfiniteLy hAve mixEd feeLings as thEy exited thE big brOther hOuse, thEir home fOr aLmost 7 weeks. tOnight, kUya endEd marieL’s stiNt as a ceLebrity hOuse guEst whiLe victOr Lost tO riza Nd baron and became this edition’s 4th evictee.

Read more ...

mE and my frEnds haviNg fUn.. :D

left tO right

mae, jah, me, rash, trish, eNch, abee, jade, pengaL, and nEdz.. wE are the MUSHROOMS.. :D prO kULang kMe gEeka and jUrb r missiNg.. nagkakaLat kC cLa sa skUL tsaka iniwan kMe.. =)) yan kC.. haLa nawawaLa c nedz sa first pic.. ahaha.. i miss eU gUys.. =( hOpe tO cEe yah this xMas..

Lastikman addicts..

i'M with my twO big big brOthErs: archiE(left) Nd Aynier(right).. dis is jUst fOr fUn. hOpe I rOck you out!!